Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Officer's Log No 29: Something's In the Air...

It's probably snow. A lot of snow. Per my experience yesterday, everybody has some form of story regarding the Snowpocalypse or Snowmageddon of 2011. All I can say? The walk outside the shop got shoveled by our fearless Captain. That is all.

Also, it's that time of year when the endless amounts of promotions for Valentine's Day appear. Not being that big of a fan of the concept of setting aside one day out of the year where people feel an obligation to proclaim their affection or adoration for their significant others, as opposed to a genuine feeling on all those other days of the year, still, I do sometimes hear people asking for books to give as gifts, or tokens of affection. Poetry is big this time of year, as are puppets and small toys, like train letters to spell out your beloved's name, or a classic boardgame.

Our clientele tend to be romantic bunch, with strong inclinations towards the goofy and the silly, and nothing says romance like a garden snail puppet (see the image above. We call him Sir Alistair Hornsby).

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